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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Heading Home

The Youth Group of First United Methodist Church is heading home today after five days of building a house in Joplin, MO. They have worked hard, and accomplished what they set out to accomplish. The house is not complete, but will be visited and worked on by other groups throughout the summer.

Here are some pictures of the progress:

This progress is a testament to the commitment of these young people to help those in need. This project, however couldn't be done with only the tenacity of the youth, we need to thank all of our donors for their support; we couldn't have made it this far without all of your help. We still, however, are trying to fund the rest of the house to insure that it is, in fact, able to be finished by the end of the summer, so any further donations will definitely be appreciated. To donate, visit the church website:

Keep checking for more follow up-posts, video interviews, and pictures!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

On Site News Coverage

Today is day 3 of FUMC building in Joplin. So far the exterior and interior walls are up, and and the roof, and they are working on siding it.

This is an email from Mark Johnson, a leader with First United Methodist Church Youth Group, and a corespondent from the build site:

"Laura said you would like an update. The kids have been working hard Monday
and Tuesday.  We got the exterior and interior up on Monday. We had the
joplin globe out to do a story on us. We made the front page on Tuesday. We
had Liz Holiday with KOAMTV interview several people  that was on the news
that night. We also had a local chamber association do a story

Tuesday we got the roof rafters up and starter sheathing the roof.  Emily
and rebuild joplin had a pizza party for us Tuesday night. Emily's mom was
also there thanking us for helping Emily and the city of joplin.

Today we should start the siding and roofing. Monday night Debbie Potts went
to the hospital from heat exhaustion. She was busy making sure everyone was
hydrated except herself. Yesterday about 15kids went back to the church to
cool off.

A lot of people have stopped and thanked us for what we are doing.


Enjoy these News Videos:

KOAM 7 News

The Joplin Globe

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Following the Progress

The crew arrived in Joplin, MO this Sunday, and began construction on the home yesterday. They will be working all week to frame a house on this foundation.

We will be following their progress as they work this week, so please keep checking in, and donations are still appreciated.

In the meantime, please enjoy this interview that we did with Different Drummers, a faith oriented Web-show that highlights local churches.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Next Stop: Joplin, MO

The crew is loading out and hitting the road this weekend. Leaving right after church on Sunday, they are headed down to Joplin Missouri to assemble the house that they have been building in the basement of the First United Methodist Church of Elgin for the last 3 months. It has been no small task, but the youth and adults have come together to help someone in need, and spread hope. They will have one week to complete as much as they can, then other groups, throughout the summer, will come and help finish what these inspired individuals started one modest March Sunday.

This single act of compassion and humanity is not enough, however, there are still people who need homes, now more than ever after the recent destruction in Oklahoma. They still need your help. This blog is designed to spread the story of one house being built out of love, but furthermore, its central purpose is to inspire other groups; let the world know that this can be done - it has been done! What started out as one church can turn into two - one home into two, but not just two, more, as many as there are a need for. With the right direction, churches and organizations across the country and the world can give what they can to help people in need. Regardless of the grandeur; if even one other church is inspired to help one other person by this heart-warming story, this blog's purpose will be complete.

Though our journey is nearing its final stage, we still need your support. Funding has been the most difficult aspect of this project, and we are still under-funded. Donating any amount that you can/ feel compelled to will help tremendously. To donate, click on the link at the top of the blog.

Please keep checking this blog for more updates, news, and photos from the Joplin Build Site.

Monday, May 27, 2013

ABC 7 Prime Time News Coverage

Friday May 24th, our story aired on the 5:00pm news. This is a huge step towards getting as many people behind this project as possible. We need all the help we can get, and the more who know about it, the more that will help.

The story was done by Ron Magers, and can be found on their website by following this link:

Here's just the video:

We're so thankful for all of the media outlets that have shared our story for us.

We were recently interviewed by Different Drummers, an online show that talks to churches about different topics regarding religion, and service, and community. That video will be up soon, but in the meantime, here are some behind-the-scene shots.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Interview with Tony Sarabia on WBEZ's "Morning Shift"

Keith Duncan, youth leader for First United Methodist Church of Elgin was interviewed on "Morning Shift" this morning on WBEZ, a Chicago-based NPR station.

Listen to the full interview here:

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Coffee House

This Friday, May 10th, come support our Mission by stopping by the Holy Grounds Coffee house in the basement of First United Methodist Church, Elgin.

216 East Highland Avenue Elgin, IL 60120

We will be serving coffee hot chocolate, tea, and other snacks with seating in and around the framed, and standing house. We hope to see your there!

Starting to look like a house!

Friday, May 3, 2013

More News Coverage

Our project has been getting more and more media attention, and recently it was featured on the local Joplin CBS station; KOAM.

Here's the link to read the article and watch the video:

We're so glad that more and more people are finding out about this mission, and we're hoping that perhaps others will be inspired to follow in our footsteps. Keep checking in for more updates, and remember donations are always welcome.

Nick working hard on the local news

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Interview with WRMN

Some leaders of the Joplin House project being interviewed on WRMN.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

News Coverage

Front Page of the Sunday Paper

Our project has been receiving some news coverage. The Joplin Globe, a local newspaper in Joplin, MO has written an article about First United Methodist Church of Elgin coming to Joplin:

The youth group at First UMC, Elgin were also on the front page of the Courier News, a local Elgin Newspaper. Here's the link to the online story and photo gallery:

Keep up with the Joplin House blog and Facebook Page to learn the latest on the project, and ways you can help.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

More Progress


Hammering away

Measure twice...

Keeping spirits high

Looks like a window to me!

The Crew and some existing walls

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Some Photos of the Progress

The Crew

Ready to start building

Making the first cuts

The Blueprints


Welcome to Joplin House's new blog: "How to Build a House in a Church!" This blog is dedicated to keeping others informed on the progress of the Joplin House 2013 project, and helping others learn so that they can replicate this process, and the most good can come from this endeavor.

What is Joplin House 2013?

Joplin House 2013 is a project started by First United Methodist Church of Elgin, IL; the purpose is to provide one house for a family who lost theirs to the terrible storms that tore through Joplin Missouri in May of 2011. First United Methodist Church of Elgin has partnered with Rebuild Joplin ( to make this project possible. But, the work put into this project can serve more than just one family, with the help of this blog, this project has potential to help many churches take on the same challenge, thus providing a multitude of homes.

How can I find out more about the Joplin House 2013 Project?

By visiting our Facebook Page of course!

Please check back for more information, pictures and video about our progress!