Welcome to Joplin House's new blog: "How to Build a House in a Church!" This blog is dedicated to keeping others informed on the progress of the Joplin House 2013 project, and helping others learn so that they can replicate this process, and the most good can come from this endeavor.
What is Joplin House 2013?
Joplin House 2013 is a project started by First United Methodist Church of Elgin, IL; the purpose is to provide one house for a family who lost theirs to the terrible storms that tore through Joplin Missouri in May of 2011. First United Methodist Church of Elgin has partnered with Rebuild Joplin (
rebuildjoplin.org) to make this project possible. But, the work put into this project can serve more than just one family, with the help of this blog, this project has potential to help many churches take on the same challenge, thus providing a multitude of homes.
How can I find out more about the Joplin House 2013 Project?
Please check back for more information, pictures and video about our progress!